We’ve been headquartered in Ballard since our inception nearly 7 years ago. We love being a part of the neighborhood and for the second year, we’ve had the opportunity to help out the SeafoodFest with an interactive map of festival activities and attractions. This year, we were able to get details about every single food, arts & crafts and community group stall put into the map. You can find your fun from your phone!
The SeafoodFest map gives us the opportunity to continue to hone our responsive web development for phone form factors. Making design work at multiple sizes and aspect ratios as well as getting map interaction smooth and accurate. We were able to leverage the following technologies to pull this interactive map together:
- angular & angular material design
- node
- express
- angular-localForage
- mapboxl-gl-js
- mapbox studio
We also take any opportunity possible to leverage Openstreetmap as our basemap.
Congrats to Sarah, Anna, DBaah and Rich on your great work! We can’t wait to see where we can take it next year. Hope to see you at SeafoodFest! map.seafoodfest.org